(please click on images to enlarge)
art- keith cousineau
story - jennifer gordon-cousineau
Happy Sunday to everyone!!
due to an extended stay of house guests for the past week, wedding preparations, and now a very sick little puppy, I was unable to hit the drawing board. Sunday Comics are a happy tradition and even with real life's complexities, they should never falter.
That being the case, Jenn and I bring you the very first Petite Heights (drawn by myself) that first appeared in Stiletto Heights (the comic) #2, which is now out of print. Unless you own one of the original 500 copies this is a new laugh to you, and includes many important firsts, it's the first strip I drew as Jenn's Petite Heights artist (after a parting of ways with the first one), it is also the first appearance of the infamous "Grandma Ruth".
I guess the most important first though....is that this is the first Sunday as the newly married Mr. and Mrs StilettoHeights.
enjoy the laughs and your Sunday
(jenn's bubs, now hubs)